Kategori: weeklyOSM

HaftalıkOSM 638

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lead picture

Polish students from Krakow update OSM with OsmAnd in Croatia [1] | © Anna Górska

Breaking news

  • Submission of self-nominations for the OSMF 2022 board election is now open on the AGM2022 Election_to_Board wiki page and the deadline is 22 October 2022, 23:59 UTC. There are four seats available as Amanda McCann just announced that she will be stepping down early from the Board. You can already start writing your manifesto on the wiki page. This page also contains information on what the board is/is not, rules, responsibilities, and the personal views of current and past board members.

About us

  • ‘As the blog adopted a new design a few months ago, the previous banner is not accurate anymore. Today, I propose to you a new one.’ This is how an email from Antoine Cadoret began. He provided a weeklyOSM logo, banner, CSS snippet, preview (tested on our theme) and even a user guide (how to do it in WordPress). We think the result looks much better now. Thank you very much, Antoine.

Mapping campaigns

  • The WholeEarthFoundation company has launched the mobile app ‘Tekkon’ in a closed beta. Through themed quests, users are motivated by rewards to collect and review data about infrastructure such as manhole covers , for now limited to Japan and the Philippines. In its latest release, one can now review utility poles.


  • In a joint project of the Pedagogical University in Krakow and OpenStreetMap Polska Association (OSMP), Polish students gathered over 15,000 new objects and made around 27,000 changes to the database using OsmAnd for the field data collection. Changes are marked with the hashtag #peljesac.
  • Augustus Kling experimented with indoor mapping and showed his results on a map.
  • OSM user epicspongee released an update on their quest to map all the bike racks in Chicago.
  • Martijn van Exel shared his review of the Every Door app.
  • While doing some random mapping, Martijn van Exel stumbled across mappers that specialise in the mapping of a specific topic in high detail. This discovery sparked discussions about this phenomenon. Have you seen any other mappers that are highly specialised? Are you one yourself? Please share your work!
  • Requests have been made for comments on the following proposals:
    • dress_code=* for tagging the clothing policy of a facility.
    • app:*=* to map mobile apps associated with a feature.
    • amenity=mailroom a tag to identify the location of shared mail rooms, receiving packages or letters, at a university, an apartment building complex, or in an office building complex.
    • castle_type=citadel a tag for historic fortifications inside cities that served as defensive cores.
    • to deprecate amenity=healthcare,clinic,dentist,hospital,doctors,pharmacy and introduce the approved healthcare=* as a main feature, as envisaged in the first healthcare proposal in 2010.
    • that the capacity of benches should be tagged even if there is no functional separation into individual seats; alternatively that you shouldn’t.
  • Voting is underway for the following proposals:
    • settlement_type=crannog, for mapping prehistoric settlements that are artificial islands constructed in lakes or sea inlets, until Friday 21 October.
    • privacy=*, for indicating how much privacy an amenity provides, until Saturday 22 October.
    • replace the tagging mail list with the OSM Community forum for the purposes of announcing proposal requests for comments and voting, until Sunday 23 October.
    • payment:coins|notes:denominations=*, to record information about which denominations of coins or banknotes are accepted at a feature, until Sunday 23 October.
    • amenity=training_centre, to unify the tagging of facilities that provide various additional or special training, other than universities, colleges, and schools for children, until Monday 24 October.
  • The proposal to use the Belarusian language for default tags within Belarus was approved with 66 votes for and 17 votes against.


OpenStreetMap Foundation

Local chapter news

  • Tristram Gräbener reported on Twitter that he received an email from the French company Île-de-France Mobilités, in charge of public transportation in the French Île-de-France region, moving from ODbL to a custom ‘Mobility Licence’ that will effectively reduce the reusability of data such as schedules, as the company could terminate any reuse based on their own judgement. OpenStreetMap France published an open letter a year ago saying that this licence would weaken the legal framework for access to this public data for transportation use cases (we reported earlier). A discussion about the Mobility Licence is taking place on another forum.


  • Dorothea Kazazi shared a brief report on her work for State of The Map 2022.


  • The Washington Post released several OpenStreetMap-based maps to illustrate the location of Russian strikes against Ukraine after the Crimean Bridge attack.


  • On 8 October 2022 at 6:07 am local time, a large explosion occurred on the Crimean Bridge, a bridge linking mainland Russia with the Russian-controlled Crimean peninsula. As a response, OpenStreetMap contributors quickly updated the map data based on currently available trusted reports.


  • According to the GDPR regulations, any US-based third party service usage without proper user consent could be prosecuted as an ‘unauthorized transfer of the user’s IP address. Manuel Reimer asked whether it’s legal to use OSM tiles in Germany, since the tile server is hosted by Cloudflare.


  • At this year’s NASA International Space Apps Challenge, a team of developers from Kyiv presented an open-source SDK (WorldWind Kotlin) for creating applications that work with online and offline 3D maps.The source of data can be from any public service (OpenTopoMap, OpenStreetMap, GoogleMaps, WikiMapia and others), well-known sources of SRTM, ASTER, ALOS, GEBCO elevations, and servers working on WMS, WMTS and WCS protocols. The WorldWind Kotlin SDK supports visualisation of icons, lines, polygons and ellipses both in 3D space and on the surface. An example application is available to see what the end product looks like.
  • Infection Free Zone , an OpenStreetMap-based city building game, is currently released as a pre-alpha version.
  • Andy Townsend has released a tutorial on how to create OpenStreetMap-based maps for Garmin GPS devices.


  • mmd has tested his own experimental Overpass fork (version that includes support for PBF, multithreading, and many other changes under the hood. He was able to reduce by a factor of 4 the time taken to import the OSM planet file. As example, importing planet-220829.osm.pbf (70 Gb) went from taking 33.5 hours (version to around 8 hours.
  • Loic Hay has created / CartoTools, a curated list of tools aimed at manipulating geodata.
  • David New published a tutorial on how to export power lines data from OpenStreetMap to Google Earth by using overpass turbo.
  • Pieter Vander Vennet announced that MapComplete is currently participating in Hacktoberfest, an annual event that encourages people to contribute to open source projects throughout October.


  • osm2pgsql is featured in Ryan Lambert’s new book Mastering PostGIS and OpenStreetMap. The book explains how to import OpenStreetMap data into a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database (by using osm2pgsql) and how to process the data with PostGIS.
  • osm2pgsql version 1.7.1 has been released.

Did you know …

Other “geo” things

  • A French weeklyOSM editor at work … early in the morning … while skimming the wiki (‘for research purposes’), found the key fetish:office which led them to wonder how it was used. TagInfo did its job by indicating that fetish:office has been used only once, at a German adult bar, which was last updated 7  years ago.
  • As a result of depicting the location of property lines on a map without a licence, Ryan Crownholm has been fined $1,000 by the California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists.
  • Jules Grandin tweeted a brief overview thread about the orientation of maps and the North on top convention.
  • In the series Regard de Cartographe , Nicolas Lambert made multiple interactive maps about mapmaking. The latest example shows how symbols and colours can be used to convey different messages while using the same data.

Upcoming Events

Hacktoberfest 2022 2022-10-01 – 2022-10-31
United Nations – OSS4SDG: Smart Sustainable Cities Hackathon 2022-10-03 – 2022-10-31
Frankfurt am MainArbeitstreffen Indoor OSM 2022 2022-10-14 – 2022-10-16flag
Berlin172. Berlin-Brandenburg OpenStreetMap Stammtisch 2022-10-14flag
Rio ParanaíbaMapatona Noroeste de Rio Paranaíba (Youthmappers UFV) 2022-10-15flag
Hlavní město PrahaWorld Railway Mapping Online Quarterly Meetup. 2022-10-15flag
GuapimirimMapeamento da Cidade de Guapimirim – Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Brasil. 2022-10-17 – 2022-10-18flag
GrenobleRéunion mensuelle du groupe local OSM Grenoble 2022-10-17flag
LyonRencontre mensuelle Lyon 2022-10-18flag
156. Treffen des OSM-Stammtisches Bonn 2022-10-18
City of NottinghamOSM East Midlands/Nottingham meetup (online) 2022-10-18flag
LüneburgLüneburger Mappertreffen (online) 2022-10-18flag
SélestatRencontre des contributeurs.rices en Alsace 2022-10-19flag
RomaIncontro dei mappatori romani e laziali – ottobre 2022 2022-10-19flag
KarlsruheStammtisch Karlsruhe 2022-10-19flag
ZürichMissing Maps Zürich Mapathon 2022-10-19flag
ArlonEPN d’Arlon – Atelier ouvert OpenStreetMap 2022-10-20flag
Bolognapresentazione OpenStreetMap al Linux Day 2022 di Bologna 2022-10-22flag
BerlinBerliner OSM Hackweekend 2022-10-22 – 2022-10-23flag
OSMF Engineering Working Group meeting 2022-10-24
San JoseSouth Bay Map Night 2022-10-26flag
Rapperswil-JonaOSM-Stammtisch 2022-10-25flag
[Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors – public videomeeting 2022-10-27
City of New YorkNew York City Meetup 2022-10-29flag
StuttgartStuttgarter Stammtisch 2022-11-01flag
WirralOSM UK Chat 2022-11-01flag
BerlinOSM-Verkehrswende #40 (Online) 2022-11-01flag
Salt Lake CityOSM Utah Monthly Meetup 2022-11-03flag

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by Lejun, MatthiasMatthias, Nordpfeil, PierZen, Strubbl, TheSwavu, andygol, conradoos, darkonus, derFred, rtnf.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.