Prof. Leonardo Gutierrez & students of the Colegio Salesiano in Duitama, Columbia [1] | © Colegio Salesiano, Duitama
About us
- Did you notice? Thanks to JackNUMBER we have now a high resolution title header for our website.
Mapping campaigns
- A team effort to map missing residential buildings in Germany was recently concluded. Contributor hfs explained how mappers worked together to add 360,000 buildings all over Germany.
- Some interesting challenges have been posted recently in MapRoulette:
- LySioS compared
before and after mapping of a park, which was recommended to him for children’s activities.
- SK53 looked at some worldwide solar data (we reported last week) and compared it with OSM data for China.
- Polish mappers discussed
, on the forum, whether any special mapping is required for areas currently under emergency regulations on the border with Belarus.
- Requests have been made for comments on the following proposals:
to map where and when you need to use snow chains on your vehicle.defensive_work=*
to tag defensive structures in historic/pre-modern fortifications.network:type=basic_network
to distinguish nameless connections in the cycle/hiking route network from named routes and numbered node networks.
- The
proposal for tagging culvert or pipeline outlets with more details, was approved with 20 votes for, 0 votes against and 0 abstentions.
- [1] Over more than 10 years, successive cohorts of students of the Colegio Salesiano in Duitama, Columbia under the guidance of Professor Leonardo Gutierrez have been continually mapping, refining, and expanding the public transport data available to the people of Duitama via the BusBoy app. Professor Leonardo Gutierrez is a long-time OSM contributor. In late 2014, he organised a live teaching session with his students and Humanitarian OSM contributors.
- Jaime Crespo provided
short notes from an informal online meeting of members of the Spanish community which have been added>
to the wiki.
- Charlie Plett reports on his effort to map all Primary and Secondary schools in the Corozal District, Belize.
- Cyberjuan presents a thematic summary of what was discussed at the event Building Local Community in OSM: Tips, Tricks and Challenges, organised by the HOT Community Working Group on November 8th.
- Jennings Anderson revisited an old graphic exploring OpenStreetMap contributor life spans. The original work, published in 2018 (as we reported), used data up to 2014. The updated graphs cover the period to 2021.
- On Wednesday 1 December at 20:30 (UTC+1), Adrien, Donat and Florian will have their first Live mapping session
on their new YouTube channel Tropicamap. Live mapping sessions will take place on the first Wednesday of each month and aim to reach a younger public. This first mapping session will be aimed at the French toy shop cooperative JouéClub.
- PlayzinhoAgro took
his second anniversary as an OSM contributor as an opportunity to report on his OSM activities over the past year.
- During the UN Map Marathon 2021, which will take place from 22 to 26 November, UN Mappers are offering two online training sessions:
- ‘Running with JOSM’, on Monday 22, aimed at those who want to approach the use of JOSM for the first time;
- ‘From marathon to maps: how to use OSM data’, on Friday 26, focused on the use of OSM data with QGIS.
The sessions will be held in English, French and Portuguese. Once registered, it will be possible to participate in the mapping competition. The best mapper of the map marathon will be announced on Friday.
OSM research
- Annett Bartsch was interviewed by Doug Johnson, from ArsTechnica, about the study she and her team published criticising the poor quality of mapping data above the Arctic Circle. The study claims to depict a more accurate representation of the local human footprint and its long-term impact.
- The #30DayMapChallenge, which we covered last week, and the week before, continues. Once again we have selected some of the maps using OpenStreetMap data:
- Day 10: Raster – Not surprisingly, given that OSM is a vector dataset, entries were somewhat scarce. A 3-D jigsaw puzzle by D&G Placenames stood out.
- Day 11: 3D – gonsta’s tactile map of Cherkasy (Ukraine).
- Day 12: Population – OSM data were used to show where people live in the French commune of Orsay (Come_M_S).
- Day 13: Natural Earth data – Federica Gaspari managed to include some OSM data as well as those of Natural Earth.
- Day 14: New tool – Prettymaps (by Marcelo Prateles, reported earlier) was a popular choice for a new mapping tool (Bill Morris, Heikki Vesanto, University of Pretoria Youthmappers). Clare Powells’s 3-D visualisation of buildings of Dubai using Cesium also demonstrated OSM data nicely.
- Day 15: Without using a computer – needless to say this was one challenge where OSM was not a lot of help, but Justin Roberts worked out a way, mapping a GPS trace of a route for later incorporation in OSM.
- Did you know it was possible to find all the maps published during the 30DayMapChallenge by searching on Twitter ‘30DayMapChallenge Day‘ followed by the day number?
- Cartographer John Nelson, of ESRI, provided some general advice as to when to add a north arrow to a map.
Open Data
- skunk has written
a small tool that helps to match open government datasets with Wikimedia (Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata) and OpenStreetMap.
- Rohner Solutions has
put up a doner kebab search tool using OSM data, but it requires you to enter or select a place name or to share your location to get a result.
Did you know …
- …that JOSM is used by less than 10% of the contributors, but since 2010 has provided the majority of the total of OSM edits? UN Mappers opened a poll, during GISDay, to explore the reasons and to propose free training sessions on this powerful editor. You can still participate this Sunday!
- … that you can deactivate all quests at once in the task selection settings of StreetComplete? Then you can activate the questions that interest you – for example, questions about incomplete addresses.
- … the European OpenGHGMap, by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and collaborators, show a city-level carbon dioxide emissions inventory for Europe?
- … the tool showing the content of relations with
tags on guideposts, as well asdestination
tags on highways and guideposts?
OSM in the media
- Reddit user RawabuntuStation recognised the use of the OpenStreetMap Carto map style in the movie Kastanjemanden. Yet another appearance to be added to the list of films and movies that use OpenStreetMap.
Other “geo” things
- Google’s flood forecasting system is now live in all of India and Bangladesh, and they are working to expand to countries in South Asia and South America.
- grin described the setup they have been using to collect real-time kinematic positioning data (we reported earlier).
- Our favorite #30DayMapChallenge: the Mapping Cube video from ArtisansCartographes. Have fun practising your mapping cubic dexterity.
Upcoming Events
If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.
This weeklyOSM was produced by Lejun, Nordpfeil, PierZen, SK53, SeverinGeo, Strubbl, Ted Johnson, TheSwavu, derFred, tordans.