Category: weeklyOSM

週刊OSM 275


Street names in Bengaluru are usually named mains (red) and crosses (blue) and is a constant source of confusion for new residents due to inconsistent numbering system across neighbourhoods. By Arun Ganesh [Source: OpenStreetMap (ODbL)]
Street names in Bengaluru are usually named mains (red) and crosses (blue) and is a constant source of confusion for new residents due to inconsistent numbering system across neighbourhoods.
By Arun Ganesh [Source: OpenStreetMap (ODbL)] [1]


  • ???????????????????????????????????????weeklyOSM??????????????????????




OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • OSM-US????????????Ian Dees??, Alex Barth??, Alyssa Wright??, Martijn van Exel?????? Drishtie Patel????





  • Marble?????????OSM?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Marble???????????????????????PBF????????????????????????????????????????????????
  • osm4j??????????????OSM??????????Java?????????

???? “??” ???

  • Mapzen????? Peter Richardson???????????????????????????Tangram???????????
  • MapQuest wants you to love it again“??Nate Swanner??? TNW News????????????MapQuest????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  • Edgar Alvares???Engadget???????????????Uber (Bing Maps?????????????????) ? “???????????????????” ??????
  • Google Maps??????OpenStreetMap??????? Aleks Buczkowski?????????????????????????OpenStreetMap?????????LearnOSM?????????
  • Aleks Buczkowski??????????????????????????????????????????????????

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