OpenStreetMap US 釋出了 State of The Map US 2023 上的演講錄影。
2024年 OpenStreetMap 地方分會與社群大會將於 UTC 時間2024年3月2日13:00在線上舉行。
聯合國地圖群眾外包團隊正在考慮利用聯合國地圖學習中心最近發布的培訓資料,專門針對 OSM 經驗豐富的圖客舉辦一次關於 OSM 資料驗證的線上訓練。其目標是強化全球 OSM 社群與聯合國圖客中的驗證者群體。為了更了解對培訓與加入聯合國地圖驗證小組的潛在興趣,以及更廣泛地了解全球 OSM 社群的驗證實踐,聯合國地圖群眾外包團隊設計了一項調查,該調查大約需要 5-10 分鐘才能完成。該調查將持續到2月15日,結果將發佈在聯合國圖客部落格上。
OpenStreetMap France 展示了,這是一個網路地圖,結合了 SNCF(法國國家鐵路公司)的開放資料與 OpenStreetMap 資料,顯示從 SNCF 火車站出發的腳踏車行程時間。
Adam Steer 使用 Strava、OpenStreetMap 與 QGIS 建立了腳踏車旅程說明圖。
Re “William Gallagher, of AppleInsider, reported on several accidents that have occurred in Scotland due to outdated data in Apple Maps.” The article mentions that the changes were made to the street in question in October 2023. OSM was updated 4 October 2023! 🙂
> Did you know this could be the node with the most tags in OSM?
OK, I subscribed to the weekly newsletter sent via email, and I saw something I had never seen before.
First it was 1.5 megabytes big. A big email.
Then the From and Subject were very long, off the side of one’s mail reader.
Indeed, they contained each language’s version of the From and Subject… enough “funny” characters to set off spam bells depending on what one’s spam detector settings are if any.
A long subject line that the average reader would only understand a fraction of, and that fraction might even be off the side of their screen.
Words in your mailbox summary that you don’t understand… resemble spam.
And then there is the message itself, or should I say several messages… each language’s version all packed into one big email. A new Internet first.
I have an idea: just let the user subscribe to the language version they want.
That’s how big and little companies do it with their newsletters.
If the user really wants more than one language, well they can subscribe each extra version they want.
We have put your good idea into our backlog. Thank you very much.
Re “William Gallagher, of AppleInsider, reported on several accidents that have occurred in Scotland due to outdated data in Apple Maps.” The article mentions that the changes were made to the street in question in October 2023. OSM was updated 4 October 2023! 🙂
> Did you know this could be the node with the most tags in OSM?
[There’s more to this story](!
OK, I subscribed to the weekly newsletter sent via email, and I saw something I had never seen before.
First it was 1.5 megabytes big. A big email.
Then the From and Subject were very long, off the side of one’s mail reader.
Indeed, they contained each language’s version of the From and Subject… enough “funny” characters to set off spam bells depending on what one’s spam detector settings are if any.
A long subject line that the average reader would only understand a fraction of, and that fraction might even be off the side of their screen.
Words in your mailbox summary that you don’t understand… resemble spam.
And then there is the message itself, or should I say several messages… each language’s version all packed into one big email. A new Internet first.
I have an idea: just let the user subscribe to the language version they want.
That’s how big and little companies do it with their newsletters.
If the user really wants more than one language, well they can subscribe each extra version they want.
We have put your good idea into our backlog. Thank you very much.